‘Rastaccun‘, is our latest EP featuring 4 new explosive songs written during the pandemic. The EP will take you through a journey with a sense of void after you’ll listen to the first few notes, but as each song progresses the journey will lead to a triumphant ending.

Manatapu release new EP ‘Rastaccun’ and single ‘Pitito Man


After having delivered a massive show at Earth Garden ’22, to open the summer and mark the end of restrictions for mass events, Manatapu are back, this time with the release of a new EP called `Rastaccun`.  This EP features four new songs and is a continuation of the two previously released singles.  The songs were mostly written during the pandemic and are all inspired by the sense of disorientation that most people were feeling and lost state everyone was in.

The EP will be accompanied by the release of a video for one of the songs … ‘Pitito Man’.  This seemed like the perfect song to start the summer featuring some fresh upbeat ska rhythms.  The rest of the songs on the album (called ‘Shulama’, ‘Muftieh’ and the title track ‘Rastaccun’) will be released as music videos subsequently during this year.  As usual the EP is multinational featuring lyrics in Maltese, English, Spanish and French, while the genres of music encompass Folk, Ska, Reggae and Punk.

“The listeners will start their journey with a sense of void when they listen to the first few notes of the EP, but as each song progresses the journey will lead to a triumphant ending” promised Tete, one of Manatapu’s vocalists.

The EP was recorded and produced by David Depasquale at Spinesplitter and the accompanying video is made out of footage from various concerts during these last two years shot by Jesse Pass (ROKKR Media) and Petter.

‘Rastaccun’ can be streamed on all digital media platforms like Spotify and iTunes, local radio stations, and on https://www.manatapu.com.mt.  The music video is also available on the same site or https://watch.manatapu.com.mt/pitito-man


Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3HqRfJQ

Apple music: https://apple.co/3n4M4pv

Amazon Music: https://amzn.to/39pFDtW

Youtube: https://bit.ly/3mNAS0i

Deezer: https://bit.ly/3NQq7X2



ATTN: PR: Manatapu jniedhu EP ġdid ‘Rastaccun’ u single ‘Petito Man’

Wara li taw spettaklu kbir f’Earth Garden ’22, biex jibdew is-sajf bit-tajjeb u jimmarkaw tmiem ir-restrizzjonijiet għall-avvenimenti tal-massa, Manatapu reġgħu lura, din id-darba bil-ħruġ ta’ EP ġdid imsejjaħ “Rastaccun”. Dan l-EP fih erba’ kanzunetti ġodda u huwa kontinwazzjoni taż-żewġ singles li nħarġu qabel. Il-kanzunetti nkitbu matul il-pandemija u huma kollha ispirati mis-sens ta’ diżorjentazzjoni li l-biċċa l-kbira tan-nies kienu qed iħossu u mill-istat mitluf li kulħadd kien fih.

L-EP se jkun akkumpanjat mill-ħruġ ta’ video għal waħda mill-kanzunetti … ‘Petito Man’. Din dehret qisha l-kanzunetta perfetta għall-bidu tas-sajf b’ritmi ska ferrieħa u friski. Il-kumplament tal-kanzunetti fuq l-album (bl-isem ta’ ‘Shulama’, ‘Muftieh’ u t-title track ‘Rastaccun’) se jiġu mnedhijjha bħala videos mużikali tul din is-sena. Bħas-soltu l-EP huwa wieħed multinazzjonali b’lirika bil-Malti, bl-Ingliż, bl-Ispanjol u bil-Franċiż, filwaqt li l-ġeneri tal-mużika jinkludu Folk, Ska, Reggae u Punk.

“Is-semmiegħa se jibdew il-vjaġġ tagħhom b’sens ta’ vojt meta jisimgħu l-ewwel ftit noti tal-EP, iżda hekk kif kull kanzunetta tavvanza, il-vjaġġ se jwassalhom għal tmiem trijonfanti” wiegħed Tete, wieħed mill-vokalisti ta’ Manatapu.

L-EP ġie rrekordjat u prodott minn David Depasquale fi Spinesplitter u l-filmat li jakkumpanjah huwa magħmul minn diversi filmati ta’ kunċerti tul dawn l-aħħar sentejn miġbudin minn Jesse Pass (ROKKR Media) u Petter.

‘Rastaccun’ jista’ jinstab fuq il-pjattaformi kollha tal-midja diġitali bħal Spotify u iTunes, stazzjonijiet tar-radju lokali, u fuq https://www.manatapu.com.mt. Il-video mużikali jinsab ukoll fuq l-istess sit jew https://watch.manatapu.com.mt/pitito-man


Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3HqRfJQ

Apple music: https://apple.co/3n4M4pv

Amazon Music: https://amzn.to/39pFDtW

Youtube: https://bit.ly/3mNAS0i

Deezer: https://bit.ly/3NQq7X2