‘Rastaccun‘, is our latest EP featuring 4 new explosive songs written during the pandemic. The EP will take you through a journey with a sense of void after you’ll listen to the first few notes, but as each song progresses the journey will lead to a triumphant ending.

Thanks for the great night at Earth Garden 2014

This was our second summer playing this festival at Ta’ Qali, and it was just as awesome as it was last year, if not better. We had a full set of original material this year, and with so many folks in the audience singing our songs word for word, and dancing, and really just KNOWING our songs, it was one of our most rewarding live shows to date. We’re now looking forward to playing the Farson’s Beer Fest as well as the Sliema Street Art Fest, and a possibly a show at Zion in Marsaskala too, organized by our friends at Rootz Island.

There’s lots of new material currently in the works, so we’ll keep bangin’ away at them until we assemble enough to seriously consider hitting the studio to record a full album. Tough to even think about considering it’s taken over a year to get the Timpana EP this far, and we’re not even finished yet

Anyway, if you didn’t make it out to Earth Garden this year, or last year, do yourself a favour and don’t miss it in 2015. In our eyes, it’s by far the best festival on the Maltese islands, and it’s got a whole bunch of really good philosophies and culture at its core, so it feels good to be a part of.